Market Minute
Market Minute | October 5, 2023
Join us for this week's #marketminute with Dan, where he discusses what happened in the #market, potential new #legislation for the #SecureAct, and some #retirement plan updates. #SafeHarbor
Market Minute | Sept 29, 2023
As we close out September 2023, join us for this week's #MarketMinute with Dan.
Market Minute | Sept 21, 2023
Has the #earnings #recession ended? Check out this week's #MarketMinute to hear the latest on the market for this week.
Market Minute | September 14, 2023
This week we are talking #duration. Tune in to hear Dan's thoughts on the #market, #bonds, and the #Fed.
Market Minute | September 07, 2023
Tune into this week's #marketminute where Dan talks about #activity, #duration, #technology, and #football!
Market Minute | July 13, 2023
Curious about what's been happening with tech, crypto, blockchain, and dividends? Check out this week's #MarketMinute with Dan.