CEFEX News Release
CEFEX, the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence, LLC, an Fi360® company, has certified Romero Wealth Management to the standard described in the handbook…
Traditional and ROTH IRAs – Taking Retirement Into Your Own Hands
Quarterly Economic Update: First Quarter 2020
Market Volatility Update
The rough stock market fluctuations created a rollercoaster-type of ride that has attracted almost every media outlet.
Is The Stock Market Correction Over? | Weekly Market Commentary | November 13, 2023
One of the unchecked items is market breadth. Despite the recent rally, participation in the latest rebound has been underwhelming, raising questions over the sustainability of the advance. Second, 10-year Treasury yields remain in an uptrend, and until more technical evidence confirms the highs have been set, it may be challenging for stocks to maintain their upside momentum.
Can Muni Investors Catch A Break? We Think So | Weekly Market Commentary | November 6, 2023
It’s been another volatile year for municipal (muni) investors this year. While generally outperforming U.S. Treasuries, the Bloomberg Muni Index is on track for its second calendar year of negative returns something that has never happened before.
Possible Halloween Scares For Markets And The Economy | Weekly Market Commentary | October 30, 2023
Can Something Good Come From A Crisis? | Weekly Market Commentary | October 23, 2023
Despite headwinds, the U.S. could experience structural changes in the labor market, residential real estate, and inflation as the post-pandemic economy progresses into the New Year.